Echo’s Fall Report

Summer Ministries 2020

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This year marked year six of working alongside with REACHING OUT to KIDS (ROK) Ministry. God blessed us with a great summer despite the pandemic. We had a wonderful group of about 20 young people who finished their training and were able to go out and share the Gospel with many! We did this through teaching bible lessons and Wordless Book presentations.  About 784 people heard the Gospel and 191 counseled for salvation! The team also passed out over 730 tracks! We did 5 day bible clubs at 35 daycare locations and seven open air locations such as public parks to the glory of God!

Throughout the year, I have been so blessed to be able to minister to our community with a small group of friends. We have partnered with several managers who allow us to share in apartment complexes. Before the pandemic we used to have bible clubs and events to reach the community. But even during this pandemic we continue to go out and meet new people. We ask if we can meet any practical need, share the Gospel with them and invite them to our bible study.  We do this at least twice a week at the following apartments; At Huntington Glen, The Onyx and  At The Avenue! We have shared with about 1,400 people! And about 35 have attended our bible studies.  Please continue to pray for all who have heard the gospel and for those who we are still following up with. The majority of residents are immigrants from Muslim countries.  So many families living in darkness, brokenness and in need of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. 

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The pictures above is from our “House Church” in downtown Houston that a friend lets us use for now.  We host about 10 people every Saturday night where we worship God and study the Bible.  Please pray for the lost who attend as we preach the gospel and connect them to a bible believing church! We disciple new believers as well as train and teach discipleship to the body of Christ.  It has been encouraging to see so many believers come and grow in their relationship with Christ.

Government Shelter Ministry

Since the COVID 19 pandemic started, the Federal Government has not allowed us to enter the shelter. For the last 18 months our team had been going into a government shelter for minors from Latin America. These shelters are for ICE detainees under refugee status.

We taught bible studies and prayed with the youth twice a week. Because we have not been able to teach in person, we have been making youtube videos for the youth. We make short videos that consist of prayer, worship and an encouraging bible lesson.  

We always do our best to do a gospel presentation and by God’s grace, many have gotten saved!  

The 8 shelters then play it on the TV for all who wish to see it. We are not positive of the number of youth who have seen the videos but for what they say it’s a couple of hundred youth.

Please continue to pray for them as this time is especially difficult for them.

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Uvalde Baptist Food Distribution 

 For the last 5 years my family has been a part of the Uvalde Baptist Food Distribution- Spanish Outreach Ministry. This year the needs of the people in our community has skyrocketed. The second Saturday of every month the church gets a shipment of food from Houston’s Food Bank that is then donated to the those in need. Every month about 400=700 families come to pick up food donations. This month our “HouseChurch” group came to help minister to everyone waiting in line. We offer to pray with and share the gospel to everyone who is receptive. This month 16 people made professions of faith at this event! 

Thank you for your prayers, which are priceless, as we continue to serve God in His power in these troubled times.


January Mountain Trip


The Minneapolis Project