Our Goal
Our team works locally and internationally to deliver humanitarian aid and help build character in the youth of the community. We equip the young people to overcome destructive societal issues by showing them their value in this world and helping them find purpose to live a meaningful life.
E.C.H.O.’s humanitarian aid and character education is the foundation of our work as we bring physical and spiritual healing. We equip youth to put into action and share with others the message of hope that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We work in three primary mission fields; First, we reach the Houston metropolitan area through Bible clubs and community outreaches. Secondly, we empower children in government shelters, encouraging them to live with true purpose and give back to the community. Third, we are taking the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to the uttermost parts of the world.
Meet The Team
Based in Houston
P.O. Box 96545
Houston, TX 77213
Phone: +1 (830) 370-6130
Email: echo_team@yahoo.com
Text “Hi Echo” to: (833) 441-6616 to stay connected